Problem Based
Learning ( PBL)
What is problem-based learning?
Problem-based learning (PBL)
is a student-centered pedagogy in which students learn about a subject through the
experience of problem solving. Students learn both thinking strategies and
domain knowledge. The PBL format originated from the medical
school of thought, and is now used in other schools of thought too.
The goals of PBL are to help the students develop flexible knowledge, effective
problem solving skills, self-directed learning, effective collaboration skills
and intrinsic motivation. Problem-based learning is a style of active
Working in groups, students identify what they already know, what they
need to know, and how and where to access new information that may lead to
resolution of the problem. The role of the instructor
(known as the tutor in PBL) is to facilitate learning by supporting, guiding,
and monitoring the learning process.[2]
The tutor must build students' confidence to take on the problem, and encourage
the students, while also stretching their understanding. PBL represents a
paradigm shift from traditional teaching and learning philosophy,[3]
which is more often lecture-based. The constructs for teaching PBL are very
different from traditional classroom/lecture teachin
learning (PBL) is an approach that challenges students to learn through
engagement in a real problem. It is a format that simultaneously develops both
problem solving strategies and disciplinary knowledge bases and skills by
placing students in the active role of problem-solvers confronted with an
ill-structured situation that simulates the kind of problems they are likely to
face as future managers in complex organizations.
learning is student-centered. PBL makes a fundamental shift--from a focus on
teaching to a focus on learning. The process is aimed at using the power of
authentic problem solving to engage students and enhance their learning and
motivation. There are several unique aspects that define the PBL approach:
- Learning takes place within the contexts of authentic tasks, issues, and problems--that are aligned with real-world concerns.
- In a PBL course, students and the instructor become colearners, coplanners, coproducers, and coevaluators as they design, implement, and continually refine their curricula.
- The PBL approach is grounded in solid academic research on learning and on the best practices that promote it. This approach stimulates students to take responsibility for their own learning, since there are few lectures, no structured sequence of assigned readings, and so on.
- PBL is unique in that it fosters collaboration among students, stresses the development of problem solving skills within the context of professional practice, promotes effective reasoning and self-directed learning, and is aimed at increasing motivation for life-long learning.
learning begins with the introduction of an ill-structured problem on which all
learning is centered. The problem is one that MBA students are likely to face
as future professionals. Expertise is developed by engaging in progressive
problem solving. Thus, problems drive the organization and dynamics of the
course. MBA students, individually and collectively, assume major
responsibility for their own learning and instruction. Most of the learning
occurs in small groups rather than in lectures. As teacher, my role changes
from "sage on stage" to a "guide by the side." My role is
more like that of a facilitator and coach of student learning, acting at times
as a resource person, rather than as knowledge-holder and disseminator.
Similarly, your role, as a student, is more active, as you are engaged as a problem-solver,
decision-maker, and meaning-maker, rather than being merely a passive listener
and note-taker.
Why PBL?
education practices, starting from kindergarten through college, tend to
produce students who are often disenchanted and bored with their education.
They are faced with a vast amount of information to memorize, much of which
seems irrelevant to the world as it exists outside of school. Students often
forget much of what they learned, and that which they remember cannot often be
applied to the problems and tasks they later face in the business world.
Traditional classrooms also do not prepare students to work with others in
collaborative team situations. The result: students tend to view MBA education
as simply a "right of passage," a necessary "union card,"
and an imposed set of hurdles with little relevance to the real world.
Education is reduced to acquiring a diploma (merely another commodity to be
purchased in the marketplace), and the final grade becomes the overriding
concern (rather than learning).
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